Hi, I’m Angela. I’ve worked with some of the biggest names in tech: Amazon, Microsoft, T-Mobile.
I fixed their annoying website problems, and I can fix yours too.

You know when something should work on your website, but it just. freaking. doesn’t?!?
It’s one of the most frustrating things ever.
BUT…. whatever’s broken: it IS fixable. I promise. Even if it seems impossible right now.
Think of your website like a jigsaw puzzle ?: it’s a bunch of code-based pieces that fit together to make it what it is. When it’s “broken,” it usually just means that a piece or two isn’t fitting right. All you need is a puzzle master to step in & quickly fix the pieces for you. That’s all.
Believe it or not, most website tools out there are one-size-fits-all… especially for small businesses. These free or inexpensive tools are a great place to start, but when you duct-tape too many of them together, they don’t always work the way you want them to.
THAT’S why your website problems are happening… not because you’re incompetent or because technology is out to get you. Just because the pieces aren’t fitting together like they should.

This is where I come in
I fix your website problems. Easy, quick, guaranteed.
Whether your problem is code-related or not; I got you.
I swoop into your website’s admin section, figure out exactly what’s causing the problem, nip it in the bud with my code-writing & developer-brain super powers, make your website better than the way I found it, and swoop out… like a stealth superhero in the night. ?♀️
I log into your website: either the “front end” panel or the “back end” panel (or both), and sort through everything that’s going on to find out why things aren’t working the way you want them to. (Or to just see HOW to do something you want done, but don’t know how to do it.)
No more frustrating hours on unhelpful “help” forums or fighting with tech support.
Work with me, and BAM. ? We get everything on your website sorted out, working, and easy to manage.
And you can get back to spending your hours on what you do best, instead of wasting them agonizing over website tech.
I can fix problems like:
- Getting technology that “should” work actually working
- Finding the core issues most tech support people never take the time to look for
- Making you a custom, brand-new plugin if the one you’re using breaks your website
- Stopping spam bots from commenting on your blog or emailing you
- Your website not working (or not looking good) on mobile devices
- Fixing security issues
- Fixing hosting issues, or suggesting a host
- Images not sizing right
- Getting buttons to work
- Adding image galleries, slideshows, and videos
- Making navigation menus easy to use, without taking up too much space
- Getting technology on & off your website talking to each other, so your business is 10x easier to run
- Getting your forms to work: contact forms, event signups, scheduling, newsletter signups, etc.
- Adding sign-ups or event registrations
- Setting up payments for your services or products
- Making your website accessible for people with disabilities
- Any other annoying WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Kajabi, etc. issues you run into
You can also hire me to solve these problems for your clients if you run an agency that regularly or semi-regularly needs website dev help.
I’ve been fixing ALL KINDS of website problems since 2006. Over 15 years now.
And I’m confident I can fix yours too.
Get in touch with me here, or use the form below to let me know what you need help with. I’ll be back in touch ASAP.